Vision - Awesome news :

for contractors and people that want to build!

The damn is now being unlocked for all contractors and the construction industry and people that want to build!

The problem at the top, will be exposed and rectified with all the interference, resistance, contrary, vexxing, oppressive and hostile environment, will be completely destroyed, it will be replaced with;

A revitalized construction industry and building department, that will be confident, optimistic, ambitious, visionary, pro-active, co-operational, liberating, empowering, successful, challenging and rewarding.

Private propery rights are being acknowledged and recognized. No longer will the citizen, resident, business owner, home owner, cottage owner, land owner, be treated and viewed as the enemy to be destroyed, resisted, oppressed, threatened from a terrorist building department, harassed, stopped, prevented or frustrated, denied, discouraged or defeated;

Building Departments that have had orders from corrupt higher powers orchestrating industry economic shutdown included, will be exposed, for their allegiance to and co-operation with enemies foreign and domestic, being enemy combattants, acting as terrorists, which is the use of force or the threat of the use of force, in clear violation of governing laws, in addition to treason to Canada and Canadians, with their co-operation with and allegiance to a foreign criminal agency, communist, leftist, woke & broke, illegal supranational entities and agreements etc et al, related UN Agendas, WEF, illegal international agreements, including illegal water or environment agreements, the related and real super imposed acts of war, wars of agression, anti white, race traitors, anti-free enterprise, anti-private property, anti-development, in addition to co-operation with super imposed Environment Impact Studies, the fraudulent Climate Warming Scam (and corresponding non-acknowledgement of geo-engineering and weather weapons) and illegal transfer of jurisdiction and related authority, nation state sovereignty, and the war against the individual, the war against the family, and war against private property, the war against family and intergenerational wealth, the illegal and unethical demands, the related cruel and unusual treatment of property owners, the demands to place illegal liens on properties and unreasonable concessions, bribes and extortion, coercement and duress along with the incredible degree of frustration and contrary actions and hostile attitudes and extremely complicated and un-co-operative manners with those who want to build.

The atmosphere of building projects and construction will permeate the environment with energy and excitement and possibility thinking, creative design elements in architectural engineering, new development, construction, renovation, made in Canada, supply chain infrastructure and logistics including greater emphasis on landscaping and an increased quality of life!

The dreams, plans, goals and vision and all the urgent projects in construction that need or are desired to be done are no longer being held back by any construction industry damn.

The construction industry will flow like water, with energy and vitality to create productivity, prosperity and real measurable and tangible progress!

Building Departments that have had orders from corrupt higher powers orchestrating industry economic shutdown included, will be exposed, for their allegiance to and co-operation with enemies foreign and domestic, being enemy combattants, acting as terrorists, which is the use of force or the threat of the use of force, in clear violation of governing laws, in addition to treason to Canada and Canadians, with their co-operation with and allegiance to a foreign criminal agency, communist, leftist, woke & broke, illegal supranational entities and agreements etc et al, related UN Agendas, WEF, illegal international agreements, including illegal water or environment agreements, the related and real super imposed acts of war, wars of agression, anti white, race traitors, anti-free enterprise, anti-private property, anti-development, in addition to co-operation with super imposed Environment Impact Studies, the fraudulent Climate Warming Scam (and corresponding non-acknowledgement of geo-engineering and weather weapons) and illegal transfer of jurisdiction and related authority, nation state sovereignty, and the war against the individual, the war against the family, and war against private property, the war against family and intergenerational wealth, the illegal and unethical demands, the related cruel and unusual treatment of property owners, the demands to place illegal liens on properties and unreasonable concessions, bribes and extortion, coercement and duress along with the incredible degree of frustration and contrary actions and hostile attitudes and extremely complicated and un-co-operative manners with those who want to build.