Business Options

Private Membership Co-operative Association
Individuals - Contractors - Trades - Technology -
Enterprise - Associations - other Entities
Building Products - Logistics

Self Management & Enterprise Management
Project Management & Personnel Management
Risk & Liability Management
Financial & Investment Management
Unified Focus: trades, technology, resources & logistics

Prime & Sub-contract - Custom Build
Co-operative Association -
Private Investment -
Development Projects -
Infrastructure Projects -

Construction Enterprise -
Trades & Technology Development -
Investment & Acquisition -
Research & Development -
Design Elements, Architecture & Engineering -

Personnel Staffing - Development & Deployment -
Working Shareowners, Enterprise & Entrepreneurs -
Union & non-union options -
- (nationalist based, not communist/socialist) -
Building advanced co-operative capabilities -
organizations & enterprise - investing in people -

The Art and Science of Business Options
- Is a lot like building with everyday essential actions;
- Fractions, math, geometry, materials & design elements.
- Take pride in your work and express the best of who you are!
- Promise what you can deliver & deliver what you promise.

Enterprise, Contractors, Trades Personnel & Individuals
- empowered and revitalized,
- personal, professional & business development
- be a part of something awesome…
- super-charged purpose - construction without limits!

Join the Laurentian Fortress Builders Group Inc.