Liaison Challenge

We are looking for people interested in promoting the building industry, working with the local building department officials, working with clients of ours or corresponding associated contractors and tradespeople and property owners, so that the process of applying for and acquiring a building permit, including successful contract managment and project complettion is done, in a streamlined, efficient and timely manner.

The following characteristics are essential in prospective candidates:

Private Membership Co-operative Association

dedicated to private and public service;
Respect for property owners & private property;
professional ethics, integrity and good will are essential;
Actual Building Industry Experience, includes reno work ;
a porfolio of projects and some competence is desired;

prompt communication and civilized interpersonal skills;
Project Management & Timeline sense of urgency
the ability to be comprehensive and thorought as to what is required for permit approval is essential.

must have mutual goals of a successful construction and trades industry;

Also national security clearance for defence technology infrastructure projects, aerospace, and an interest in industrial park development, tourism infrastructure, recreation, cottage and new commercial and revitalized projects and business improvement reno/facade and facilities upgrade are all useful assets.

People who would like to redevelop and rebuild the national dream, and also your community and surrounding area and transform the quality of life with a make it happen atmosphere that is bold, visionary, optimistic and full of promise and employment opportunity.

The National Dream Projects, include new and restored railway infrastructure, aeroport development, aerospace industries and hangars, automotive industries infrastructure and enterprise, machinery for diversified industries and infrastructure, marine ports, cargo handling logistics, marine technology enterprise infrastructure, mining and material processing industries.

Liaison contact form en route

Building Inspector Training Endeavour en route

Additionally, this vision also applies for individual or enterprise as Personnel, for those seeking employment, career, prime and sub contract opportunities, working share owner opportunities, private investment opportunities, trade and skills development, co-operative work placement, educations and job or career placement.

please see the
Business Network